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If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery, one common question you may have is how long the procedure typically takes. At our bariatric surgery practice, the gastric sleeve procedure usually takes between 1-2 hours to complete. During this time, our experienced bariatric surgeon will make several small incisions in the abdomen and remove a portion of the stomach to create a sleeve-like shape. This minimally invasive approach typically results in a quicker recovery time and less scarring than traditional open surgery. For more information about gastric sleeve surgery or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office.

If you are considering gastric sleeve surgery, it is important to note that the procedure is typically recommended for patients who are between the ages of 18 and 65. However, the suitability for the surgery depends on several individual factors, such as overall health, medical history, and weight loss goals. Our experienced bariatric surgeon will evaluate your individual circumstances to determine whether gastric sleeve surgery is a safe and appropriate option for you.

Gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss surgery that involves removing a portion of the stomach to reduce its capacity and restrict food intake. The surgery is typically performed using laparoscopic techniques, which involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using specialized instruments to remove the stomach tissue.

Gastric sleeve surgery is generally considered safe and effective for patients between the ages of 18 and 65. However, the decision to undergo gastric sleeve surgery should be made in consultation with a qualified bariatric surgeon, who can evaluate your individual health status and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

Gastric sleeve surgery is not suitable for everyone and there are certain conditions that may prevent a person from having the procedure. These include pregnancy or plans to become pregnant in the near future, history of certain gastrointestinal disorders, previous stomach surgery, certain psychological conditions or eating disorders, active substance abuse or addiction, and certain medical conditions that may increase the risk of complications or interfere with healing after surgery.

Like any surgery, gastric sleeve surgery carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. In addition, some patients may experience complications such as staple line leaks, strictures, or hernias. Long-term risks may include vitamin and mineral deficiencies, weight regain, and gastrointestinal issues such as acid reflux. However, these risks can be minimized by carefully following post-operative guidelines and regular follow-up with a qualified bariatric surgeon. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of gastric sleeve surgery with your doctor and weigh them against the potential benefits of improved health and quality of life.

Following the surgery, our patients are encouraged to stand up and walk for four hours to promote healing, and are able to tend to their personal needs in a hospital setting. After careful monitoring and necessary checks, patients are typically discharged from the hospital by the third day. Those who work in desk jobs can generally return to work within approximately one week, while those with physically demanding occupations will require a recovery period of four weeks. For four weeks after the surgery, patients should avoid heavy physical activities and instead focus on lighter exercises, such as walking or swimming. After six months, patients may engage in heavier exercise with the guidance of a supervisor, depending on their personal preferences.

After undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, it is common for patients to experience some degree of pain, as with any surgical procedure. However, as the surgery is conducted laparoscopically, the level of pain experienced is usually minimal. To manage any discomfort, pain medication is typically prescribed for patients during their recovery period. According to feedback from our patients, many report feeling little to no pain after the procedure.

Yes, it is possible for some patients to regain weight after gastric sleeve surgery, especially if they return to their old eating habits. While a sleeve is a highly effective tool for weight loss when followed according to our guidelines, it is essential to understand that it is not a permanent cure for weight problems. Instead, it provides a powerful tool to help manage weight. However, if you consume high quantities of junk food and neglect physical activity, weight gain may occur. This is a common concern for all weight loss options. To maintain your new, lower weight, it is crucial to continue planning healthy meals, consuming small portions, and engaging in regular physical activity. By doing so, you can maximize the benefits of the surgery and maintain your desired weight over time.

As with any medical treatment, there is a possibility of failure with sleeve gastrectomy. About 10% of sleeve patients may not achieve the desired results for various reasons, such as difficulty in meeting nutritional requirements or insufficient physical activity. In addition, some patients may encounter issues if they do not take necessary vitamin and mineral supplements.

It’s important to note that evaluating obesity treatment methods alone is not enough, as the underlying causes of obesity must also be addressed. Along with the necessary post-surgery diets, adopting appropriate nutritional and exercise habits as a lifestyle is the most effective way to ensure the success of the surgery.

One of the most commonly asked questions by our patients is how much weight they can expect to lose after surgery. The answer varies depending on the individual’s pre-operative weight, body mass index, motivation, and adherence to the recommended diets. Generally speaking, patients have been observed to lose up to 20% of their weight in the first three months following the surgery, with an increase to 40% in the sixth month. With continued effort, patients can reach their ideal weight. However, weight loss may plateau at some point, causing concern for our patients. This situation, known as a “Weight-Loss Plateau,” occurs when the body’s metabolism adapts to sudden and rapid weight loss. Fortunately, individuals can overcome this by making external changes, such as modifying their eating habits and engaging in physical activity.

During gastric sleeve surgery, a significant portion of the stomach is removed and the remaining part is closed off with staplers to create a tube. To promote healing of the stapler area, patients are allowed to consume only liquids for at least one week immediately following the surgery. Liquids should be clear, such as water, fruit tea, and water-like soup. Carbonated drinks should be avoided.

In the second week, liquid food consumption should continue, with options such as protein drinks, low-calorie soups, and fatty soups. Our dietitian can assist patients in selecting appropriate options. Patients may also consider nutritional support products, such as Barifit, which are designed for post-surgery consumption.

During the third or fourth week, patients can gradually transition to pureed foods. These foods should be low in fat and calories, and thoroughly mashed before consumption.

Soft foods can be introduced after the sixth week. Protein-rich foods are recommended, and each meal should be chewed slowly and thoroughly. Patients should plan to eat meals approximately six hours apart, and should stop eating as soon as they feel full.

After approximately four months, patients can begin consuming normal foods again. However, it is important to plan meals carefully and chew each bite slowly before swallowing. High-calorie and fatty foods should generally be avoided, and patients should refrain from consuming carbonated sugary drinks and control their alcohol intake.

As long as the laparoscopy trocar cuts are sealed off to prevent them from getting wet, patients can typically take a bath as early as one day after their surgery.

During the gastric sleeve surgery, before the procedure is completed and after the cut portion of the stomach is removed, blue dye is injected into the stomach through a tube to test for any leaks in the cut area. If a leak is detected, immediate intervention is taken. One day after the surgery, a contrast CT scan is performed to ensure there are no further issues.

The likelihood of experiencing skin sagging after gastric sleeve surgery depends on several factors, including the patient’s age and pre-operative weight. Overweight patients who have overstretched skin prior to surgery may be more susceptible to sagging skin after weight loss. However, following proper nutrition, incorporating balanced protein and exercise into daily life can minimize this effect. In cases where sagging skin persists over an extended period of time, plastic surgery can be considered. Ultimately, the degree of skin sagging varies based on individual anatomy and post-surgery care.

Thanks to advanced techniques and equipment, gastric sleeve surgery has become a relatively quick and efficient procedure. Recovery times may vary depending on the individual, but most patients are able to return home after just three days and can typically resume work after 15 days as long as it does not require heavy physical activity. Wounds from the surgery typically heal within 4-6 weeks, while the stapler line used to cut the stomach and stabilize the remaining portion may take up to 6-8 weeks to heal. Patients must carefully follow the prescribed rules and dietary guidelines during this recovery period to ensure the best possible outcome.

Thanks to advanced techniques and equipment, gastric sleeve surgery has become a relatively quick and efficient procedure with shorter recovery times and hospital stays. While recovery times may vary from person to person, most patients are able to return home after just three days. However, if complications arise, the doctor may decide to extend this period.

While sleeve gastrectomy surgery does not involve reducing absorption, the smaller stomach volume may impact the body’s ability to absorb necessary minerals and vitamins during the initial recovery period. While vitamin and mineral supplements are often recommended, it is important to consult with a doctor and dietitian before beginning any supplementation routine. Randomly taking supplements without guidance is not advised.

Patients who do not adhere to the dietary and lifestyle changes recommended by their doctor and dietitian following gastric sleeve surgery may experience weight gain. However, those who successfully adopt these changes can maintain their ideal weight for the long term. It is important to prioritize a healthy lifestyle and nutritional habits in order to maximize the benefits of gastric sleeve surgery.

The gastric sleeve procedure is not reversible, as it involves the removal of approximately 80% of the stomach. However, it can be converted to a different bariatric procedure if necessary. For example, a sleeve can be converted to a gastric bypass or combined with a gastric band for increased effectiveness.

Gastric sleeve surgery can cause acid reflux as a potential side effect for some patients. If a patient experiences reflux prior to surgery, a gastric sleeve may not be recommended, and alternative options such as gastric bypass may be considered instead.

It is possible for patients to experience temporary hair loss after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery. However, this is typically a temporary side effect. To minimize the risk of hair loss, we recommend the use of sea kelp tablets.

The length of time it takes for a patient to return to work after gastric sleeve surgery will depend on the nature of their job. If their job requires little physical activity, they can generally expect to return to work within 1-2 weeks once the wounds have healed and discomfort has decreased. However, if their job is physically demanding, they may need more time before returning to work. It typically takes 6-8 weeks for the stomach to fully heal after the surgery, and it is important to follow the dietary guidelines closely during this time. Patients may experience a temporary lack of energy if they physically exert themselves.

Regular physical activity is crucial for reaching your weight loss goals after a gastric sleeve surgery. Your doctor will provide specific information and advice on physical activity after the procedure, but initially, walking is recommended. In fact, you will be encouraged to get up and walk around as soon as you have recovered from the surgery. As your fitness level improves, you may wish to try more intense forms of exercise, and there are no exercises that should be avoided because you have undergone gastric sleeve surgery.

The scarring from gastric sleeve surgery is minimal. The procedure involves making 5 small incisions (between 5 and 12 mm) through which the operating ports are inserted. These incisions are then sutured and/or glued and will usually take around 10-14 days to heal. The abdominal scars should fade over time. Some individuals are more prone to keloid scarring, which can result in thicker and more visible scars. It’s essential to follow our wound care instructions, particularly when washing the incisions, to reduce the risk of infection.

We recommend refraining from driving for at least 2-3 days after your gastric sleeve surgery, as the effects of anesthesia and pain medication may still be present. Additionally, it may take up to 10-14 days for your wounds to fully heal, which may cause discomfort while driving. It’s important to prioritize your own safety and wait until you feel comfortable and confident before getting behind the wheel again.

Yes, it is possible to consume alcohol after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, but it should be consumed in moderation due to its high calorie content. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to the consumption of unwanted calories. It is recommended to consume no more than 1 unit of alcohol per day, which is equivalent to half a pint of normal strength beer, half a standard (175ml) glass of wine, or a small single measure of spirits.

Most foods can be consumed after gastric sleeve surgery, as long as they do not cause any discomfort. However, since you will be eating less overall, it is important to prioritize foods that are high in protein but low in fat and sugar. We recommend incorporating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and fish into your diet. Following your gastric sleeve surgery, you will receive detailed nutritional guidance from your doctor or dietitian.

After undergoing a gastric sleeve surgery, it is recommended that patients follow a specific diet plan to aid in the healing process and help achieve weight loss goals. During the first two weeks after the surgery, patients are advised to follow a liquids-only diet, which typically includes shakes and soups. This is to give the stomach sufficient time to heal after the surgery. From weeks three and four, patients can gradually introduce soft solids into their diet, such as shakes and soups with more texture or blended meals. After the fifth week, patients can return to eating normal food, but it is important to keep in mind that portion sizes will need to be reduced due to the smaller stomach capacity. A detailed dietary plan will be provided by the medical team to ensure optimal results.

Some patients may find it beneficial to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, while others may prefer to stick to a regular meal schedule. Ultimately, the decision on when to eat should be based on personal preference and lifestyle. It’s important to remember that your stomach capacity has been reduced, so it’s important to prioritize nutrient-dense foods and practice portion control to avoid discomfort and promote weight loss.

One of the advantages of undergoing gastric sleeve surgery is the effect it has on appetite regulating hormones. After the surgery, levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin decrease, which results in a reduced appetite and less hunger. As a result, you may also notice a change in your taste preferences, away from fatty and sugary foods.

After your gastric sleeve surgery, you can generally continue taking your regular medication. However, if your pills are too large or difficult to swallow, you may need to crush them or break them up. We recommend trying your regular tablets first, but if you experience difficulty swallowing them, consult with your pharmacist to ensure it’s safe to crush them. Some tablets are designed to release slowly or protect the stomach, and crushing them may damage these properties. Capsules are usually safe to swallow, as they are designed to dissolve in the stomach.

It is imperative that patients continue to take vitamin and mineral supplements following gastric sleeve surgery, as deficiencies in important nutrients such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, calcium, zinc and vitamin D can arise without proper supplementation. These deficiencies may lead to conditions such as anaemia and bone diseases like osteoporosis. As such, it is critical to prioritize long-term vitamin and mineral supplementation after the surgery to maintain overall health and well-being.

If the additional surgery does not involve the upper digestive tract or stomach, it is typically safe to undergo other surgical procedures following gastric sleeve surgery. Nevertheless, it is vital to inform both your surgeon and anaesthetist about your previous gastric sleeve surgery before undergoing any additional surgical procedures.

It is possible to get pregnant after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, and there are various benefits of doing so. One of the primary advantages is that weight loss can increase fertility, which may lead to higher chances of conception. Additionally, losing weight can lower the risks of complications during pregnancy for both the mother and the baby. At Healthier Weight, we provide comprehensive assistance, guidance, and encouragement to support patients who become pregnant following a gastric sleeve surgery. It’s important to be mindful of the increased likelihood of fertility after weight loss surgery if you do not want to get pregnant.

There is no reason why you should not fly as normal with a gastric sleeve. We do not recommend that sleeve patients fly short haul (e.g. Europe) within 7 days of their surgery and that they wait 21 days before flying medium to long haul. Of course, these timelines may extend if your recovery is slower than expected. Your airline may have specific guidance about flying after surgery and you may wish to check with them before you fly.  

Gastric sleeve surgery may lead to constipation due to a decrease in fiber intake and bowel activity as a result of consuming less food. Fortunately, there are many effective solutions to address constipation, and our medical team will provide you with additional guidance after your surgery.

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